Data and Trigger Management as the Key to Customer Dialogue

In this webinar, zenloop and Qmart show how to automate customer dialog through optimized data assets and turn customers into loyal fans.


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Customer Experience at Qmart, zenloop and MS Direct AG

In this webinar, zenloop and Qmart will show how customer dialog is not only automated through optimized databases and the right triggers, but also how it ties customers to their brand and turns them into loyal fans.
You will learn the relevant best practices from cleaning and enriching customer data sets to effectively managing campaigns. If you would like to know how you can use marketing campaigns to win back lost customers and satisfied customers for referrals, then this webinar is for you.


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    What to Expect:

    • How to turn your customers into loyal fans with a sought-after customer dialogue
    • Use marketing campaigns to win back churning customers
    • Cleansing and enrichment of customer records for effective campaigns
    • Intelligent trigger management for recommendations by satisfied customers


    The Speakers

    Felix Schlenther

    Head of Sales

    Felix is Head of Sales at zenloop, the leading experience management platform in Germany. Together with his team, he advises digital companies on building customer experience management. Previously, Felix built the sales teams in various software start-ups. As a speaker on customer engagement and centering, he is present at conferences such as OMR, Internet World, CX1 and DMEXCO.

    Tobie Witzig

    Managing Partner

    First a dialog marketing manager at various financial service providers, later as project manager at Witzig Solutions AG, then CEO of rbc Solutions AG and finally as CEO of AZ Direct AG Switzerland. The business economist FH with a MAS in Business Information Management is also a lecturer in CRM at the ZHAW and is a member of the advisory board of the Institute for Marketing Management.


    Dr. Eva Katharina Tyssen

    Head of Business Development & Customer Success

    Eva is Head of Business Development & Customer Success at MS Direct AG. As the company’s growth engine, she leads MS Direct’s sales and marketing activities in the Business Development & Customer Success team and ensures ambitious new business targets. Previously, Eva worked at MS Direct AG as Head of Marketing and Key Account Management, as well as at AXA.
