A Study on Customer Satisfaction Measurements

This webinar shows the results of an HHL study about customer satisfaction measurement in German companies, offering insights into their CX management


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Customer satisfaction at HHL

Customer satisfaction is a decisive factor for companies. On the one hand, satisfaction influences repurchase behavior – an aspect that is becoming particularly relevant in times of high customer acquisition costs, optimization of customer lifetime value and the ever-increasing importance of word of mouth. On the other hand, a better understanding of the drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction enables companies to better align their offerings with the needs of customers, improve their processes in a customer-oriented manner, or possibly even make strategic changes in direction. So what is the status quo of customer experience management in German companies? In a joint study with the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, we got to the bottom of this question. The webinar will be held in German language.


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    What to Expect:

    • How widespread customer satisfaction measurement are in different industries
    • Which key figures or methodologies are used for the measurements
    • How customer feedback is evaluated
    • What the insights gained on customer satisfaction are used for


    The Speakers

    Felix Schlenther

    Head of Sales

    Felix is Head of Sales at zenloop, the leading experience management platform in Germany. Together with his team, he advises digital companies on building customer experience management. Previously, Felix built the sales teams in various software start-ups. As a speaker on customer engagement and centering, he is present at conferences such as OMR, Internet World, CX1 and DMEXCO.

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Erik Maier

    Junior professor for retail and multi-channel management

    Erik Maier betreut seit 2015 an der HHL als Juniorprofessor für Handels- und Multi-Channel-Management die Themen digitaler Handel und digitales Marketing. Gleichzeitig ist er Leiter des HHL Re-Invent Retail-Think-Tank. Zuvor war er Unternehmensberater bei McKinsey & Company und Marketingprojektleiter bei Home24.
