All our Product Updates at a Glance
Find brand-new product announcements, and useful content to improve your zenloop experience here.
Introducing zenSurvey: Revolutionizing Feedback Collection
We’ve upgraded our platform from simple NPS-Surveys to fully customizable customer surveys, completely powered by AI.
zenInsights: AI at the heart of everything
With zenInsights, you'll have the tools you need to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.
Focus on Customer-Centric Innovation with zenloop’s Dashboards
With Dashboards, you can remove data silos and monitor your business’ most important metrics at a glance.
Meet zenloop’s CX Action Management Platform
Topics automate the industry-specific tagging of your customer’s comments.
Say Hello to Topics
Topics automate the industry-specific tagging of your customer’s comments.
5 Ways You Can Use zenloop’s new QR Code Surveys
The greatest comeback of all time? Or an old favorite that never...
8 Benefits of Single Sign-On (SSO) You May Not Be Aware of
You might have heard it through the digital grapevine: one of...
New Feature: NPS® Platform zenloop Integrates Google Translate
With the Google Translate integration, zenloop launches its...