What Makes a WOW Moment? The Power of Customer Centricity

In the joint presentation, Dina Uthman and Sandra Friedrichs will report on how building a customer-centric strategy works and how wow-moments can be created. Be there and take part in our session at OMR in May 2022.


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What Makes a WOW Moment? The Power of Customer Centricity.

We live in times when everything is available at any time, an infinite number of offers can be compared at the click of a button and requirements are constantly changing.Simply meeting expectations is no longer enough to win over customers in the long term. People want to be excited, carried away, surprised and cared for. Only those who create emotions can develop their customers into loyal fans and brand ambassadors. Customer centricity makes it possible to create precisely these wow moments and to retain customers in the long term.
Sandra from Thalia and Dina from zenloop will show you how to set up the right processes to build a customer-centric strategy.

Be there and visit our stand at OMR in May 2022 in Hamburg.


    An email with the registration is already on its way to your mailbox.

    What you can expect:

    • How customers can be retained in the long term with the help of wow moments
    • How to set up the right processes to build a customer-centric strategy
    • How to exceed customers’ expectations in the long term


    The speakers

    Dina Uthman

    Head of Sales DACH

    Dina is Manager Sales at zenloop, the leading integrated experience management platform in Germany. Together with her team, she advises companies in various industries on the development and expansion of their customer experience management. Previously, Dina built sales teams at Meltwater.


    Sandra Friedrichs

    Senior Manager Business Development

    Sandra is responsible for the holistic optimisation of the customer experience at Thalia, the largest retail bookseller in Germany, and works on the strategic development of the customer-centric approach at Thalia. Previously, she held various positions in the e-commerce and marketing environment at Thalia and the Bertelsmann Group.