Findologic + zenloop

Facilitate search results with Findologic and zenloop

Combine individual search queries with customized results with the Linguistic Shopping Assistant Li.S.A.®. Personalization options allow desired content and the most relevant product suggestions to be played out specifically for each individual customer. Findologic offers a comprehensive tool designed to improve the often neglected mobile experience in particular. This guarantees better performance and fewer churn moments resulting from frustration in the shopping experience.

findologic on a display

Image showing a magnifying glass over a desktop

Intelligent search through Li.S.A.®

Far-reaching understanding of user data is crucial – it enables online retailers to develop strategies and sustainably optimize the customer experience. For every interaction, Li.S.A. is able to build on the knowledge of global user data and improve results continuously and automatically.

Artificial Intelligence with Intent Discovery

Basic understanding of data and deriving insights in real-time is complex. However, the A.I. platform Li.S.A. solves exactly that. With Li.S.A., we detect user intent and dynamically change the shopping experience based on behavior. This can lead to a direct increase in customer satisfaction due to simplicity of use for customers.

image of man sitting on a computer with a wired brain behind him

image of people hanging around a computer screen

Deliver personalized results

A “one-size fits all approach” to search and navigation frustrates customers. All too often, users are confronted with a multitude of random results, leaving them to search long and hard for truly relevant products. Based on intelligent algorithms, Li.S.A. is able to analyze behaviors, understand each user’s intentions, and deliver personalized recommendations that are more likely to convert.

Blog Highlights

Customer Satisfaction
The Be-all and End-all for Good Business
6 min read /
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Customer Experience Management
Successful Implementation and Examples
8 min read /
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Customer Centricity
More Revenue through Satisfied and Loyal Customers
9 min read /
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