SurveyMonkey vs. zenloop

NPS® Software Comparison

Why is it worth switching from SurveyMonkey to the alternative zenloop? Our integrated experience management platform collects comprehensive information along the customer journey and filters relevant topics. With the help of semantic text and mood analyses, companies can efficiently target their churning customers and reduce the number of detractors. In this way, churn drivers are minimized and the customer base can be stabilized sustainably.

zenloop logo
surveymonkey logo
Survey Methodology
Survey Channels
E-Mail, Website, App
E-Mail, Website, App
Import of Historical NPS Data
Shop System Integrations
Analytic Functions
Translation of Customer Comments
Semantic Text Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
Raw Data Access
Data Segmentation
“Closing the Loop” Features
Configuration of NPS Alerts
Automatic Forwarding of NPS Feedback (Customer Service, Marketing Cloud, Ticket System, etc.)
Live Feed
Automatic Forwarding of Promoters to Review Sites
Customer Support Tool Integrations
EU Hosting
Customer Management
Premium Customer Support & Integrations
Multiple Brand Support
CX & Retention Consulting
CRM & ESP System Integrations

Why Companies Should Choose zenloop

Obtaining Feedback at Important Touchpoints
Our CX Management Platform enables using customer surveys at the right touchpoints that can be selected individually. This helps companies to get a holistic picture of their customers’ experience and learn more about their pain points.
Configuring Alarms to Detect Critical Issues
When companies receive negative feedback, reacting quickly is is of utmost importance. With our automated alarm system, customer feedback is immediately recognized, filtered, and forwarded to the responsible employees.
Enabling Transparency with Live Feeds
With our live feeds, we provide access to the current NPS around the clock. This allows all employees from different departments within the organization to see how the customers perceive the experience in real-time.
Using Positive Reviews to Acquire New Customers
Organizations can easily use promoters for effective referral marketing. By automatically directing promoters to well-known review sites, potential new customers can be reached and higher cross-selling efforts be made.
Detecting Reasons for Customer Churn
Qualitative feedback is evaluated by using semantic text and sentiment analyses and categorization via smart labels. In this way, companies can not only recognize their strengths but also identify reasons for churn.
Using Customer Needs as an Opportunity
Feedback always helps to improve. That is why we embrace an open-minded feedback culture. With a variety of features and integrations, zenloop offers endless possibilities for learning, improvement, and development.

More Features and Integrations

The customer retention platform zenloop offers a wider range of features and thus generates better results, especially in feedback evaluation and customer recovery. Crucial functions are for example the semantic text and mood analyses which cluster customer feedback by topic and thus show exactly which subjects are perceived as positive or negatives. This enables the team member in charge to clearly identify customer needs and pain points along the entire customer journey and to take timely, targeted, and personalized recovery measures.

In addition, zenloop forwards positive feedback to relevant review sites promoting the company’s referral marketing. Along with various analyses and “closing-the-loop” features, zenloop also enables the integration of various shop systems, which is a great advantage for retailers. This means that users can easily integrate NPS surveys into their online shops, for example as website overlay or website embed, without the need for a script of their own. Specific feedback surveys on the structure or design of product pages can also be integrated. This ensures a more transparent customer experience and thus forms a basis for the implementation of appropriate action measures.

With comprehensive customer management, zenloop supports its users with the implementation of our software and beyond. For all those reasons, zenloop is the better NPS choice for discovering churn reasons and generating maximum profit from NPS feedback.

Outstanding User-Friendliness

When comparing SurveyMonkey and zenloop directly, it quickly turns out that SurveyMonkey has chosen a very simplified user interface that lacks many features and filtering options. These features allow zenloop users, unlike users of the SurveyMonkey platform, to get a more comprehensive view of the customer experience and thus better respond to customer (dis)satisfaction.

Despite the large number of analytical functions, our platform is easy and intuitive to navigate, making it more sophisticated than SurveyMonkey.

Individual Pricing Packages for Every Company

SurveyMonkey differentiates between three individual plans and three business plans, which is similar to most CX platforms. At zenloop, however, we place more emphasis on company-specific needs and requirements, and using them as the foundation for creating the price package. Depending on which features are relevant for an organization, the pricing package is adapted to their specific needs.

While SurveyMonkey does offer a free plan, it is limited to one person and only allows to submit surveys, but does not provide analytical and actionable features, which is the most important part – getting customer feedback is just the first step. Therefore, the free version is not recommended for full-scale survey projects. In contrast, we at zenloop want to help interested parties to gain the best possible understanding of our platform, which is why we offer a free online demo instead of a free trial period. In this demo, our CX experts provide detailed insights and discuss individual questions and requirements in person.

Our Free Demo is the Best Way to Get to Know Our Software.

Customer Retention with zenloop is the Ideal Solution for Your Company
Individually measure customer experiences at all touchpoints along the entire customer journey.
Real-time analysis and aggregated reports allow identifying the causes for dissatisfied customers.
Bring real-time customer feedback into your organization and build a customer-centric culture.
Recognize dissatisfied, churning customers and win them back in an automated, personalized way.
Leverage the potential of loyal customers for free referrals and improving your online reputation.

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