Job interview: Sales Account Executive

Job interview: Sales Account Executive
Online-meetings, customer consultations, trade fairs, and events – such as the daily mix of tasks for our Account Executive Pascal at our integrated Experience Management Platform zenloop. In our interview, Pascal shows us the many sides of his profession and explains what sales is really all about.

Account Executive Pascal Reveals what is Really Behind a Sales Job

1. Please briefly introduce yourself.

Hi, I’m Pascal and work at zenloop as an account executive in sales. I originally come from Neuköln and grew up in beautiful Brandenburg. For this job, I moved back to the capital and am now settling into Berlin-Mitte.

2. Can you quickly explain what your job involves?

I’ve now been part of the sales team at zenloop for four months. The role is multi-faceted and my tasks are very varied.

One of my duties is to build up customer contacts. This involves accompanying our customers from the first contact to the end project. I also support our product team by sharing my ideas on the development of our processes and systems. It is a very broad range of responsibilities and it’s exactly that which makes it so thrilling.

3. What do your daily tasks look like?

In short: challenging and never dull. Most of my working time is spent with customers – on the ‘phone, on-line meetings, personally at their business, or at trade fairs and events. I use every possibility to get in touch with existing or potential new customers.

In other words, I lead the whole process of helping our customers profitably utilize our zenloop NPS platform. This obviously includes training, holding meetings, or visiting events. My “working day” is therefore always full of variety.

4. Which other positions did you hold on your way to this one?

After completing my Abitur in 2015, I was unsure if I should study or undertake vocational training. As I appreciate an ever-changing workday, I plumped for a qualification in Hotel Management.

I quickly noticed that I enjoyed being in direct contact with guests and customers, but that the Hotel industry was not for me. Instead, I turned my attention to the field of sales. I then began to work as a sales manager for a start-up in the field of recruiting software and was enthused from the moment I started. This decision, then led me to zenloop.

5. What do you like most about your work at zenloop?

The vibe – and if you want to know what that really means, get directly in touch with me and ask! 😉

6. Where do you feel the most pride in your work?

The best part is when you can further extend your knowledge and use it to support well-known and successful customers – that feels great.

7. How would you describe zenloop to a good friend?

As a start-up at Pappelallee in Berlin with a young, international team who are always following very clear goals and giving 110% to reach them. Everyone brings their strengths and opinions to the table for the greater good. It’s exactly this can-do attitude that you notice here – from the first-morning meeting to the glass of beer at the end of the day.

8. What advice would you give someone who wants to get ahead either at zenloop or elsewhere?

You really have to know who you are, what you do, and where you want to go. If you sense that your work life is blocked or that you’re not developing yourself, then it’s time for a change.

You should always feel comfortable in your role and tasks. When that’s the case, then you’re in the right place – irrespective if that’s at work or somewhere else.

9. What do applicants need to bring with them to be successful?

Keyword: Mindset. Know what you want and follow it carefully. Especially in a young start-up, it’s important to be proactive and engaged with both your team and company. That also means asking questions and not standing still.

10. What do you like to do in your free time?

Lots! I play ice hockey, and I like going to festivals and camping. Depending on the weather, I also like to go bouldering in the fresh air or inside the climbing wall. Above all, I enjoy getting to know Berlin for all its many sides and experiencing new and interesting things.

Would you like to know what happens next? There are also opportunities to progress in the sales team at Zenloop. In his interview, our head of sales, Felix, talks about his beginning here and the challenges in his daily work.


Thaïs Kaiser

Junior Content Marketing Specialist