Organisational Empathy

A critical pre-requisite for effective Customer Experience Management

Find out more about Organisational Empathy and what you can learn from good customer service at Peter Pirner’s Keynote session at the CX1 WORLD 2022.

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Outstanding customer experience requires a deep understanding of customer needs and requirements. These are situational, volatile and often fuzzy. Empathy is an important skill for dealing effectively with people.

This keynote is about the ability of companies and organisations to deal empathically with their customers. What starting points do already exist? Where do many organisations find it particularly difficult? What could a best practice look like? A critical and constructive contribution to the creation of better customer experience everyday.

What to Expect

  • What is Organizational Empathy and what benefits does it entail
  • Which steps do you as a manager have to take in order to create Organizational Empathy in a company
  • How to maximize A/B Testing in a way, that looks past just increasing conversion rates


The Speaker

Peter Pirner

CX-Advisor, CX-Coach, Creator & Podcast Host CX-Talks

Peter Pirner is a renowned and charismatic thought leader in the field of Customer Experience Management. As speaker, creator and host of CX-Talks, the most successful German podcast for CX Management, he regularly reaches a large audience of CX professionals in the DACH region. Peter’s experience is based on almost 25 years of international CX consulting for Kantar, one of the biggest global insights and consulting companies. Today, he regularly accompanies companies and individuals on issues related to CX Management as a CX advisor, coach and speaker. He is also a partner of the Institute for Customer Experience Management (i-CEM), and member of the Advisory Board of Accelerom AG and Petlando GmbH.

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